Start Screen
On the start sreen are four buttons placed, in the upper left corner the button to add coins, on the upper right the button to search for already added coins, on the bottom left the button to view the calculation summary for all added coins and on the bottom right the button to edit the settings.
Add Screen
The Add Screen is the place where the coins can be added to the collection. To add a coin the name, year, denomination, currency, material, weight of the material and the estimated value should be entered.
If images of the coin are available it is also possible to add them to the coin, just click on the front/back image and a dialog where the correspondening images can be selected will pop up.
Search Screen
To find an already added coin or to edit a coin the search screen is the way to go.
There are basically two filters which can be applied to the search, the material and the name/part of the name. With a click on the columns the result can be ordered.
A double click on a row will open the edit screen which looks like the add screen. To delete a coin a row can be selected and then only the Del/Entf key must be pressed.
Calculation Screen
The calculation screen displays a summary of all entered coins, splitted by the materials silver, gold, platin and an overall result.
Settings Screen
The settings screen is very important for the calculations to get a meaningful result. Here the exchange rate (base is Euro) for the currencies can be entered/updated (now also with an auto update function) and the quotes for the materials can be entered/updated. The quotes are measured in finesses oz(31,1034768 g).
Furthermore the language can be selected, at the moment English and German are available.